Boris Cherny's Blog

NPM and NodeJS should do more to make ES Modules easy to use

June 19, 2024

Coming back to JavaScript and TypeScript after a few years neck deep in Python and Hack, I kept hitting a number of new, cryptic errors when running NodeJS code in my dev environment:

# when I ran ESM TypeScript code the wrong way:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module

# when I imported an ESModule from a CommonJS .js file:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module .../lodash.js from .../index.cjs not supported

# when I imported an ESModule from a .ts file:
error TS1479: The current file is a CommonJS module whose imports will produce 'require' calls

# when I used ES6 import syntax in a .js file:
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

These errors are all related to importing, typechecking, and loading modules. The JavaScript ecosystem moves fast, and things changing over the last few years was not a surprise. However, it was surprising to see so many errors related to such a core piece of the language!

How we got here

Modules in JavaScript and TypeScript have changed significantly over time:

Current state, by the numbers

I was curious – since ES Modules (import/export) were introduced in 2015, and NodeJS has supported type=module/commonjs, .mjs, and .cjs, with the goal of replacing .js, since 2019, to what degree have these new conventions been adopted?

I answered this with data, using two approaches:

  1. Looking at the most starred JavaScript and TypeScript repos on Github
  2. Looking at the most downloaded packages on NPM

The results are not rosy. After 5+ years, adoption of ES Modules remains weak:

  1. Between 9-27% of JavaScript/TypeScript projects declare themselves to be ES Modules via the type (and lesser-used exports) fields in their package.jsons.
  2. Less than 6% of JavaScript/TypeScript files declare that they are ES Modules via the .mjs, .cjs, .mts, etc. file extensions.

Note that these ranges come from the two approaches I used to estimate the numbers. Head here for more detailed data and code.

How do we fix it?

This helps explain why it’s so painful to interoperate ES Modules and CommonJS across both NodeJS and TypeScript: enough libraries use ES Modules that for many projects you need to either use ES Modules, or figure out how to interoperate ES Modules with your CommonJS code. At the same time, enough code still uses CommonJS that you often need to figure out how to include that legacy code in your otherwise-ES Module project.

The benefits of ES Modules are significant. Rolling everything back to CommonJS is not the way forward. Is there more we can do to simplify the ecosystem, and push harder on adoption? Some ideas:

  1. We should kill .mjs, .cjs, .mts, etc. The vast majority of projects use type=module in their package.json, rather than file extensions. It would simplify things considerably if we drop support for these new file extensions and stick to .js, .jsx, .ts, and .tsx.
  2. We should make type=module the default for new package.json files for the npm init, yarn init, and pnpm init commands. Package managers’ publish commands should warn when type is not set to module.
  3. We should upgrade the most common libraries used by the community to ES Modules, either manually or through automated pull requests (this feels like something that can be semi-automated).
  4. The NPM registry can require an explicit module field on new packages, making it clear when a package intentionally uses CommonJS (eg. because it targets legacy NodeJS versions).
  5. NodeJS can officially drop support for require and module.exports in a future version, creating a bit more pressure to migrate.

I’d love to hear others’ thoughts. Have you also felt the pain of interoperating ES Modules and CommonJS?

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