Boris Cherny's Blog

The Best Frontend JavaScript Interview Questions (written by a Frontend Engineer)

June 09, 2017

I was at a Free Code Camp meetup in San Francisco a few days ago (for those not familiar, Free Code Camp is a group of people who get together to learn JavaScript and web development), and someone getting ready for frontend dev job interviews asked for JavaScript questions to practice. After a bit of Googling, I couldn’t find any lists I could point her to and say “if you can do these, you can land a job”. Some came pretty close, some were silly, but all were either incomplete or asked questions that people don’t actually ask in real life.

So, based on my experiences on both sides of the interview table, here goes. These are a sampling of questions I’ve asked and been asked when hiring frontend engineers. Keep in mind that some places (like Google) focus more on designing efficient algorithms, so if you want to work there you should practice past CodeJam problems in addition to the stuff below. If you have a question that belongs in one of these lists (or I’ve made a mistake somewhere), shoot me an email.

I’ll be adding/updating answers to these questions here (feel free to make PRs with additions/improvements!).

I’ve grouped questions into a few sections: Concepts, Coding, Debugging, and System Design:


Be able to clearly explain these in words (no coding):

  1. What is Big O notation, and why is it useful?
  2. What is the DOM?
  3. What is the event loop?
  4. What is a closure?
  5. How does prototypal inheritance work, and how is it different from classical inheritance? (this is not a useful question IMO, but a lot of people like to ask it)
  6. How does this work?
  7. What is event bubbling and how does it work? (this is also a bad question IMO, but a lot of people like to ask it too)
  8. Describe a few ways to communicate between a server and a client. Describe how a few network protocols work at a high level (IP, TCP, HTTP/S/2, UDP, RTC, DNS, etc.)
  9. What is REST, and why do people use it?
  10. My website is slow. Walk me through diagnosing and fixing it. What are some performance optimizations people use, and when should they be used?
  11. What frameworks have you used? What are the pros and cons of each? Why do people use frameworks? What kinds of problems do frameworks solve?


Implement the following functions (tests follow each question):


  1. isPrime - Returns true or false, indicating whether the given number is prime.

    isPrime(0) // false
    isPrime(1) // false
    isPrime(17) // true
    isPrime(10000000000000) // false
  2. factorial - Returns a number that is the factorial of the given number.

    factorial(0) // 1
    factorial(1) // 1
    factorial(6) // 720
  3. fib - Returns the nth Fibonacci number.

    fib(0) // 0
    fib(1) // 1
    fib(10) // 55
    fib(20) // 6765
  4. isSorted - Returns true or false, indicating whether the given array of numbers is sorted.

    isSorted([]) // true
    isSorted([-Infinity, -5, 0, 3, 9]) // true
    isSorted([3, 9, -3, 10]) // false
  5. filter - Implement the filter function.

    filter([1, 2, 3, 4], (n) => n < 3) // [1, 2]
  6. reduce - Implement the reduce function.

    reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], (a, b) => a + b, 0) // 10
  7. reverse - Reverses the given string (yes, using the built in reverse function is cheating).

    reverse('') // ''
    reverse('abcdef') // 'fedcba'
  8. indexOf - Implement the indexOf function for arrays.

    indexOf([1, 2, 3], 1) // 0
    indexOf([1, 2, 3], 4) // -1
  9. isPalindrome - Return true or false indicating whether the given string is a plaindrone (case and space insensitive).

    isPalindrome('') // true
    isPalindrome('abcdcba') // true
    isPalindrome('abcd') // false
    isPalindrome('A man a plan a canal Panama') // true
  10. missing - Takes an unsorted array of unique numbers (ie. no repeats) from 1 through some number n, and returns the missing number in the sequence (there are either no missing numbers, or exactly one missing number). Can you do it in O(N) time? Hint: There’s a clever formula you can use.

    missing([]) // undefined
    missing([1, 4, 3]) // 2
    missing([2, 3, 4]) // 1
    missing([5, 1, 4, 2]) // 3
    missing([1, 2, 3, 4]) // undefined
  11. isBalanced - Takes a string and returns true or false indicating whether its curly braces are balanced.

    isBalanced('}{') // false
    isBalanced('\\{\\{}') // false
    isBalanced('{}{}') // true
    isBalanced('foo { bar { baz } boo }') // true
    isBalanced('foo { bar { baz }') // false
    isBalanced('foo { bar } }') // false


  1. fib2 - Like the fib function you implemented above, able to handle numbers up to 50 (hint: look up memoization).

    fib2(0) // 0
    fib2(1) // 1
    fib2(10) // 55
    fib2(50) // 12586269025
  2. isBalanced2 - Like the isBalanced function you implemented above, but supports 3 types of braces: curly {}, square [], and round (). A string with interleaving braces should return false.

    isBalanced2('(foo { bar (baz) [boo] })') // true
    isBalanced2('foo { bar { baz }') // false
    isBalanced2('foo { (bar [baz] } )') // false
  3. uniq - Takes an array of numbers, and returns the unique numbers. Can you do it in O(N) time?

    uniq([]) // []
    uniq([1, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4, 8]) // [1, 4, 2, 3, 8]
  4. intersection - Find the intersection of two arrays. Can you do it in O(M+N) time (where M and N are the lengths of the two arrays)?

    intersection([1, 5, 4, 2], [8, 91, 4, 1, 3]) // [4, 1]
    intersection([1, 5, 4, 2], [7, 12]) // []
  5. sort - Implement the sort function to sort an array of numbers in O(N×log(N)) time.

    sort([]) // []
    sort([-4, 1, Infinity, 3, 3, 0]) // [-4, 0, 1, 3, 3, Infinity]
  6. includes - Return true or false indicating whether the given number appears in the given sorted array. Can you do it in O(log(N)) time?

    includes([1, 3, 8, 10], 8) // true
    includes([1, 3, 8, 8, 15], 15) // true
    includes([1, 3, 8, 10, 15], 9) // false
  7. assignDeep - Like Object.assign, but merges objects deeply. For the sake of simplicity, you can assume that objects can contain only numbers and other objects (and not arrays, functions, etc.).

    assignDeep({a: 1}, {}) // { a: 1 }
    assignDeep({a: 1}, {a: 2}) // { a: 2 }
    assignDeep({a: 1}, {a: {b: 2}}) // { a: { b: 2 } }
    assignDeep({a: {b: {c: 1}}}, {a: {b: {d: 2}}, e: 3})
    // { a: { b: { c: 1, d: 2 }}, e: 3 }
  8. reduceAsync - Like the reduce you implemented in the Easy section, but each item must be resolved before continuing onto the next.

    let a = () => Promise.resolve('a')
    let b = () => Promise.resolve('b')
    let c = () => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve('c'), 100))
    await reduceAsync([a, b, c], (acc, value) => [...acc, value], [])
    // ['a', 'b', 'c']
    await reduceAsync([a, c, b], (acc, value) => [...acc, value], ['d'])
    // ['d', 'a', 'c', 'b']
  9. Implement seq in terms of reduceAsync. seq takes an array of functions that return promises, and resolves them one after the other.

    let a = () => Promise.resolve('a')
    let b = () => Promise.resolve('b')
    let c = () => Promise.resolve('c')
    await seq([a, b, c]) // ['a', 'b', 'c']
    await seq([a, c, b]) // ['a', 'c', 'b']


Note: For the data structures you’ll implement below, the idea isn’t to memorize them, but just to be able to look at the given API, Google how they work, and implement them, and to have a high level idea of what they are used for and what their tradeoffs are compared to other data structures.

  1. permute - Return an array of strings, containing every permutation of the given string.

    permute('') // []
    permute('abc') // ['abc', 'acb', 'bac', 'bca', 'cab', 'cba']
  2. debounce - Implement the debounce function.

    let a = () => console.log('foo')
    let b = debounce(a, 100)
    b() // only this call should invoke a()
  3. Implement a LinkedList class without using JavaScript’s built-in arrays ([]). Your LinkedList should support just 2 methods: add and has:

    class LinkedList {...}
    let list = new LinkedList(1, 2, 3)
    list.add(4)                           // undefined
    list.add(5)                           // undefined
    list.has(1)                           // true
    list.has(4)                           // true
    list.has(6)                           // false
  4. Implement a HashMap class without using JavaScript’s built-in objects ({}) or Maps. You are provided a hash() function that takes a string and returns a number (the numbers are mostly unique, but sometimes two different strings will return the same number):

    function hash(string) {
      return string
        .reduce((a, b) => (a << 5) + a + b.charCodeAt(0), 5381)

    Your HashMap should support just 2 methods, get, set:

    let map = new HashMap()
    map.set('abc', 123) // undefined
    map.set('foo', 'bar') // undefined
    map.set('foo', 'baz') // undefined
    map.get('abc') // 123
    map.get('foo') // 'baz'
    map.get('def') // undefined
  5. Implement a BinarySearchTree class. It should support 4 methods: add, has, remove, and size:

    let tree = new BinarySearchTree()
    tree.add(1, 2, 3, 4)
    tree.has(2) // true
    tree.has(5) // true
    tree.remove(3) // undefined
    tree.size() // 4
  6. Implement a BinaryTree class with breadth first search and inorder, preorder, and postorder depth first search functions.

    let tree = new BinaryTree()
    let fn = (value) => console.log(value)
    tree.add(1, 2, 3, 4)
    tree.bfs(fn) // undefined
    tree.inorder(fn) // undefined
    tree.preorder(fn) // undefined
    tree.postorder(fn) // undefined


For each of the following questions, start by understanding and explaining why the given piece of code doesn’t work. Then propose a couple of fixes, and rewrite the code to implement one of the fixes you proposed so the program works correctly:

  1. I want this code to log out "hey amy", but it logs out "hey arnold" - why?

    function greet(person) {
      if (person == {name: 'amy'}) {
        return 'hey amy'
      } else {
        return 'hey arnold'
    greet({name: 'amy'})
  2. I want this code to log out the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 in that order, but it doesn’t do what I expect (this is a bug you run into once in a while, and some people love to ask about it in interviews).

    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 0)
  3. I want this code to log out "doggo", but it logs out undefined!

    let dog = {
      name: 'doggo',
      sayName() {
    let sayName = dog.sayName
  4. I want my dog to bark(), but instead I get an error. Why?

    function Dog(name) { = name
    Dog.bark = function () {
      console.log( + ' says woof')
    let fido = new Dog('fido')
  5. Why does this code return the results that it does?

    function isBig(thing) {
      if (thing == 0 || thing == 1 || thing == 2) {
        return false
      return true
    isBig(1) // false
    isBig([2]) // false
    isBig([3]) // true

System design

If you’re not sure what “system design” means, start here.

  1. Talk me through a full stack implemention of an autocomplete widget. A user can type text into it, and get back results from a server.

    • How would you design a frontend to support the following features:
      • Fetch data from a backend API
      • Render results as a tree (items can have parents/children - it’s not just a flat list)
      • Support for checkbox, radio button, icon, and regular list items - items come in many forms
    • What does the component’s API look like?
    • What does the backend API look like?
    • What perf considerations are there for complete-as-you-type behavior? Are there any edge cases (for example, if the user types fast and the network is slow)?
    • How would you design the network stack and backend in support of fast performance: how do your client/server communicate? How is your data stored on the backend? How do these approaches scale to lots of data and lots of clients?
  2. Talk me through a full stack Twitter implementation (shamelessly stolen from my friend Michael Vu).

    • How do you fetch and render tweets?
    • How do you update tweets as new ones come in? How do you know when new ones came in?
    • How do you search tweets? How do you search by author? Talk me through your database, backend, and API designs.

Further resources

If you got this far and want more, below are some high quality resources that I’ve found helpful.

For more things to implement:

For some good reading: